When something happens out of the blue
The disability income protection plans are available to employees who meet the minimum number of hours worked per week.
The disability income protection plans available offer the following advantages:
- Easy administration with minimal record keeping
- Fast, professional attention to claims
- The option of selecting coverage for all employees or specific classes of employees
- Affordable coverage design
Plan Features
- Family care expense credit
- Qualifying period interruption
- Conversion privilege
- General freeze on benefit reduction
- Rehabilitation benefit
- Integration of benefits
Long-Term Disability Income Protection Options
Plan full integration of sick days with the elimination period. Benefits do not begin until the elimination period is met AND all accumulated sick days are exhausted.
Once the elimination period is satisfied, the employee then chooses to EITHER start receiving disability payments or continue using sick days, if available.
Short-Term Disability Income Protection
This benefit is typically offered with first day coverage for accidents and a seven day elimination period for sickness. The benefit is usually a small weekly amount to help employees who do not have enough sick days accumulated to reach the elimination period for a long term disability plan.
Voluntary Disability
- 100% employee paid
- Short- or long-term
- Qualifying periods of 30, 90 or 180 days
- No health questions
- Benefits payable to age 65
- Conversion privilege
Who We Are

A leading commercial property and liability insurance company dedicated to serving educational institutions.

Proudly providing employee benefit products and third-party claims administrative services.