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Safety Committee Training Schedule

CM Regent Safety Committee webinars provide the training and resources required for your school safety committee to apply for state certification by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. Your school district must be enrolled in CM Regent’s workers’ compensation program to receive credit and the required Labor and Industry submission documents.

Please do not share your registration link. Due to security protocols, the link is unique to each individual and will not work for multiple users. If others need access to the webinar, you may register on their behalf so they receive their own registration link.

  1. Scroll through the calendar and select a session.
  2. Click on your selected session and then click “Join the Event Now.” Prior to the session, you will be directed to the registration page.
  3. Click the “Register” button. Once you complete the form click “Register” again.
  4. Your screen will reflect if you have correctly registered and you will receive a confirmation email.
  5. Add the training session to your calendar using one of the links in the confirmation email.
  6. Prior to the webinar date, if you do not have Microsoft Teams:
    1. Download Microsoft Teams:
      1. Desktop: Visit the Microsoft Teams Download Page and download the app for your operating system.
      2. Mobile: Go to your device’s app store (Google Play Store or Apple App Store) and search for “Microsoft Teams” to download the app.
    2. Join as a guest:
      1. Via Email Link: Click on the webinar link provided in the email. You will be prompted to open the Teams app or join via the web.
      2. Via Web Browser: If you prefer not to download the app, you can join directly through your web browser by clicking on the “Join on the web instead” option.
    3. Enter your name: When prompted, enter your name and click “Join now” to enter the webinar.

If you are having difficulty registering or signing in, please contact your IT department and have them check your firewall permissions. Also, please be sure your computer is not on mute during the webinar, or you will not be able to ask questions during and after the session.

Current Month
Backlit white opioid pills

CM Regent proactive on opioid training for safety committees
July 13th, 2021

CM Regent Insurance Company took a proactive stance last year by adding opioid training to our safety committee training curriculum. Because of that, the safety committees we trained over the past year are now ahead of the game and already have the updated training required under a new amendment to the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act. Enacted June 30, 2021, Act 57 now requires all committee members receive training on Substance Abuse and Opioid Painkiller Use for a committee to be certified. 

We saw the need for this training before it was required. We made it part of our training program for safety committees, who can play an important role in sharing the dangers of opioid abuse with the employees they represent. 

In that spirit, CM Regent is committed to continuing to bring you progressive, innovative training and risk control resources.

Who We Are

CMRegent Insurance Company

A leading commercial property and liability insurance company dedicated to serving educational institutions.

CM Regent Solutions

Proudly providing employee benefit products and third-party claims administrative services.

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